Introvert Church:  
What it is and How to do it

Discover a new style of church service designed for and by introverts


The Christian Church today is many things depending on denomination, but one thing that seems to remain a constant is that it is largely run by (and, we would argue, for) extroverts.  (ie, people who recharge their energy by being around others)  Especially perhaps in the US and particularly in "megachurch" circles, services seem to emphasize exuberant praise times, regularly shifting/growing "small" group dynamics, fellowship with large numbers of believers all at once,  and an ease of use for those dipping a toe into Christian waters.  These are not bad things, but they can lead to introverted people feeling frustrated and as if there is no place for them within churches. 

The Introvert Church is a response to this - a church service designed by and for introverts, with an emphasis on study, solitude, deep connections and doing good in the world.  It is not intended to align with any particular denomination, nor is it to be used exclusively by introverts (just as traditional church services are not intended to exclude introverts), but simply places the emphasis of a service on things introverts tend to gravitate towards, and is highly customizable within that framework.

Everyone is likely to have a slightly different way of doing Introvert Church.  However, the goal here is to give some guidance as to the main points, as well as a few resources to get started with.  A service consists of the following steps: Pray (Opening), Praise, Read (Introduction), Pray (Dialogue), Read (Study), Listen, Speak, Do, and Rest.

A note before starting:  while an Introvert Church may be easier for an introvert to attend than a traditional church, fully completing a weekly service is hard work spiritually, so don't be surprised if you experience pushback.  We encourage you not to leave out the "hard parts", as this is the equivalent of merely sitting in a pew Sundays in traditional church and trying to ignore God the rest of the week.  
Remember:  church is not a checkbox on a Christian todo list.  If you find yourself starting to "go through the motions" of this list, we recommend you stop and prayerfully consider what God might have you change (even if that means attending a traditional church).

And one final thing - this guide is intended for current followers of Jesus.  If you do not already consider yourself a believer, and/or you're not sure how to implement some of these ideas, we strongly encourage talking to someone you trust for spiritual advise (such as a pastor, priest or mentor) as you work through what your Introvert Church service looks like.  The goal of any church service is to grow your relationship with Jesus.  It's difficult to grow a relationship with Someone you've never met.

Getting Started

- Start by getting to a comfortable place (in your home or elsewhere) where you can feel free to worship God without feeling like you need to hold back from embarrassment or fear.  (If you know no such place, go to your safest spot.)

- Gather any materials you might need - Bible, books you plan to read, a computer/tablet/smartphone for any internet resources you intend to use, notebook and pen for writing things you learn, and any worship materials you may want to use.  Make everything in easy reach so you don't have to interrupt your service once you get started.  

- Turn off your phone or place it on silent if that's not possible.  Do your best to limit distractions.  Plan on spending a good chunk of time, perhaps a morning or afternoon - you may at first find yourself rushing through the steps, but we find the more you can slow down and enjoy spending time with God, the more you will find this time enjoyable and fulfilling.

Pray (Opening)

Since church is all about worshipping God, it makes sense to begin by speaking with Him.  We suggest that this intro prayer time introduce a certain amount of solemnity to the occasion.  This is no ordinary prayer time, this is the time set aside for you to worship God with all your heart, mind and strength.

A liturgical prayer of some kind may help with this.  Or, if the idea of reading a prayer doesn't appeal to you, you may want to write one out of your own.  This is not the time to be bringing requests to the Lord, incidentally, unless He has placed a large burden on your heart that you can waste no time bringing to Him.

As for content, the best goal for this prayer time is that of simple acknowledgement that He is God, and you are in His presence.  However, there may be an element of confession here as well.  If you find yourself weighed down by guilt, now is the time to acknowledge your sin before God.  (Sin being any kind of rebellion against God - something you do or something you fail to do.)

In fact, we recommend that on days (and there will be days) when you are struggling with guilt, sin and shame in your life, or any other heavy burden, that you lay it before Him before trying to do anything else.  Kneel before the throne (literally if it helps you) and tell Him what is on your heart.  Repent of sin (turn away from it).  Seek forgiveness.  Ask for help.  Ask for cleansing, for direction, for wisdom, for hope.  Let your time with God be one of renewal and strength for your relationship, and when you and He have been reconciled, then continue in your plan to worship (either today or another day entirely).


And so, having started this service with solemnity, here we turn to joy in His presence.  People express joy in a multitude of ways.  You may indeed wish to sing (the normal expression of praise in traditional churches) - songs of old, new songs or ones you've come up with on the spot.  You may wish to play an instrument, if you know one, or hum.  You may wish to dance.  Or perhaps you're in a quieter mood, and simply wish to hold up your hands, and silently adore Him.

However you start, we suggest you add words at some point, either in your thoughts or aloud.  Praise historically involves telling God Who He Is and proclaiming the great things His has done, which both cements this knowledge in your own soul and is a part of what God created humans for in the beginning - to love Him, expressing that love in praise.

What do you say?  Consider the attributes of God.  You may want to look at His names or muse on the aspects of the Trinity.  You can read psalms, verses of praise, or poems.  You could proclaim the great works in the Bible, or those elsewhere in history, or those done in your own life and the lives of those you love.  You may find yourself filled with gratitude, and begin simply telling Him thank you with all your heart, mind and strength.

Some days, you may wish for this time to never end.  Others, you will have trouble getting started.  If you are sincere in your efforts to praise Him, He will be pleased.  Don't worry about perfection, or leaving something out.

Usually this time will wind down on its own.  You run out of words to express your praise, or start to feel overwhelmed trying to say everything, or simply feel in your soul that it is time to move on.  Sometimes you may hear from God and feel the need to quickly dig into the next part because you know God is speaking and can't wait to hear what He has to say.

If you aren't experiencing anything like this, don't worry.  Some praise sessions are emotional and some aren't, and also some people lean more on emotional worship than others.  There's no need to try to be emotional if you find yourself in a more mind-centered zone, or are even just tired and ready to hear some good news.  Some days a simple "Thank You God for who You are." and moving on is enough.

Read (Introduction)

From the solemn opening and wild joy of praise, we come to the first reading with open hearts, ready to hear what God is going to say.

We recommend two separate readings during this church service, and the first should introduce a concept.  The easiest way to do this is by reading "something a Christian wrote about something to do with following Jesus."  This can take a wide variety of forms - a blog post, a magazine article, a book chapter - or even be something you don't read at all, such as a podcast, audio book or even video.  Look for something that will hold your interest - you don't want to be nodding off in the middle of a dull podcast, for example.  (If you want to listen to something but are having trouble focusing, try doing something mindless with your hands while listening, such as knitting, or doing some light exercise, such as stretching or walking.)

You may think the easiest thing to do is just listen to a sermon, but unfortunately this will often prevent you from completing the later steps to your own service.  Sermons are often long and do all the "work" for you, introducing a topic, delving deeper into in and conveniently telling you what to think about it, so by the end you feel you've accomplished church simply by having listened.  That's not what we're looking for here.

Look for something with a length of around 10 minutes or so, reading or listening.  Use sources you trust, but don't be afraid to listen to someone new - evaluating the truth of what a person is saying about God is a skill all Christians should develop, and one never knows what method God will choose to speak through.  If you are a new follower, begin with sources recommended by the person who brought you to Christ, if possible. 

If you take notes, do so lightly - you want to use this time to be introduced to the ideas in the source you have chosen.  Do mark down any verses used, quotes, Greek/Hebrew words or research/study that is given to support the reading.  (You'll use those in the second reading section.)

God may speak to your heart at this time (as He could at any, of course), so read in a listening manner, with an open heart and mind.  Pay attention to any pull you feel to explore something further, but don't go down the rabbit hole just yet.  Jot it down quickly so you don't forget and keep reading.  This time should be one of focus.

It's possible that this reading doesn't prick your heart at all, and you feel nothing or worse, boredom with what you've read.  That's fine.  Try to focus on the topic anyway, and stay open.  You may find that what God has for you is a small line, tucked away in the second to last paragraph.  Or a random aside by the pastor.  Or He could already be speaking to you about something currently in your heart, and the reading has little to do with what your service will end up being about at all.  Pay attention.

Pray (again)

When you are done with your initial reading, don't dive into study just yet.  Take some time here to pause and discuss with God what you've heard.  You may want to spend a short time just listening here, or you may have something on your heart now that you tell Him about.

Perhaps what you read bothered you for some reason.  This is the time to examine why, to pray for an open heart and mind, and also to pray for discernment and wisdom as you continue to study this topic.
Maybe you already feel a call to action.  Ask God for direction and confirmation in what your response should be.

Whatever is in your heart and mind right now, be sure to pray for two things in this section: 1) for wisdom as you study and for God to speak to you in what you read and 2) that you would know what your next step(s) should be.

Note that we don't recommend praying that all answers become clear, or that your whole path of response be laid out.  It may be that God will do that, but more often He reveals plans one step at a time, and some gray topics may stay gray, rather than resolving into black and white.  Truth is rarely simple.  People are complex, and God even more so - beware of simplistic understanding of difficult topics, as it can easily lead you into error.  That said, the faith of a child is praised in Scripture as well - meaning, though you may not understand everything God is doing, you can certainly trust in Him and His Love, and follow to the best of your ability anyway.  In fact, that is asked of every follower of Jesus.

This should be a short time of prayer - an acknowledgment of God's continued presence and guidance, and a seeking of His will and truth as you study deeper.

Read (Study)

Most days, this is where the bulk of your time should be spent.  You should have an idea of what God is leading you towards already, and now you are going to do the hard work that, in a traditional church, your pastor would do for you.  That is, you're going to study.

Why bother to do this?  It's certainly easier to let someone else's job be to do the studying for you, but there are several disadvantages to that system as well.  For one thing, a pastor is going to draw out of a passage what is important to them, rather than what is important to you.  God can certainly speak to you through a pastor's sermon, but how many sermons or homilies have you sat through where it was clear that today, the pastor or priest was speaking to someone else?  In addition, while you may find the main topic interesting enough, there may be an aside that the person preaching mentions that peaks your interest, but you can hardly follow up during church, and may forget about it by the time you get home.  When studying on your own, you can follow that aside if you feel the Lord leading that way.
Yes, this is the time for rabbit trails.  While in the last reading we asked that you focus, in this section as you study deeper you may come across many extra side notes that you wish to pursue.  Feel free to do that now.

As a correlation to that, this is also the time for intense note taking.  We recommend two main note sections - one for things you've learned that you want to discuss with others and/or save for later reference, and one with things to investigate and half-baked ideas that you're still working on.  We'll call the first section "Gems" and the second "Mining", just to remind us that we're digging deeper here, but write whatever headings make sense to you.  You may want to keep both in one notebook, perhaps on a two page spread with one heading on each page.  Or you may want to keep them in a three ring binder and write on loose paper, so you can add pages easily when needed.  Or you may find it best to use two separate notebooks.  Two things we recommend when choosing what you use for notes however - one, keep your Mining (don't throw it out) and two, keep your Mining handy for using when discussing the Gems.  You'll find that later, when looking through the Gems or discussing them with other people, you'll forget exactly what you meant, or why you felt so strongly about a phrase, or where exactly you found something - the Mining can help you remember.

One more note - you may be wondering if you are qualified to do this, especially if you think only those who have been to seminary are able to study God's Word.  Let us assure you that any follower of Jesus who sincerely wants to find His truth and is capable of reading and understanding ideas written in their language is perfectly able to study, in fact, is commanded to do so.  God gave you a mind to use, Christian, and you are failing to please Him when you foist that task solely onto others.

How to study

"But I don't know Greek!" you may say - fear not, studying doesn't always mean delving into ancient words, and when it does, there are plenty of resources in English, Spanish, French and others that can help you without you having to learn all the nitty gritty of dead languages.  Occasionally a grasp of what a particular word means in the Bible can give you a better understanding of a passage, especially when the "plain reading" in your preferred translation is obtuse or controversial.  But most of the time you'll find that your native translation and some good commentaries are all that's needed to understand, even on a deeper level of study.  (If you want to learn Greek or Hebrew, we certainly encourage you to do so - just not now.)

So how do we recommend you study?  First, you will probably already have a few leads written (in your Mining section) from your previous reading.  If there are Scripture passages there, we recommend you start with those, as some of the other questions you may have could be answered just by a further reading in Scripture, but if a particular topic or question is burning in your heart feel free to study that first.  Look Scripture passages up first in a translation you are comfortable with (as an aside, this first reading should use an actual translation, not a paraphrase such as the Living Bible or the Message - the reason being that these are written with the author's having decided what the passage means for you, and we are attempting to do that work ourselves) and read the section mentioned.  However, don't stop there.  Look at context - read before and after the passage to understand why the passage was written and what points the author is trying to make.  Try reading it in a different translation to see what words could have a different feel than you initially considered, or in a paraphrase to see how others think about the passage.  Consider the style in which it was written - is this book a history?  A letter?  (and if so, to who and why?)  A poem?  Remember that (other than Psalms which are individual songs) most of the Bible had chapters and verses (and much of the punctuation, in fact) added by translators many years later, so just because a chapter ends doesn't mean it's the end of a thought.  (Ephesians has some good examples of this.)  Who wrote this and for what purpose?

It's likely that as you do this reading, you'll run across questions you can't answer.  Write those down in Mining.  You may also find yourself wondering about things that don't seem really on topic - that's fine, write those in Mining as well.  Some people may find it helpful to mark "rabbit trails" with a different symbol than the on-topic things they are studying, so they can come back to them later.

When you're finished with all you can do for this passage at this level, it's time to go deeper - to look for answers to the questions you have, and to seek meaning you may have missed or clarifications to difficult verses.  It's time to look at what other seekers of God have found.

First, go for commentaries.  Many of the most famous commentaries are in public domain and can be found online or even in an app on your phone.  Start with any that are older and considered "classic", especially those endorsed by any denomination that you associate yourself with - it's good to know what has been believed the longest, and what those you love are most likely to believe.  This is a good place to start because it's best to have a baseline - then when you read further opinions you can say to yourself "ah, this person leans more away from what has been believed in the past" or "oh, this person agrees with what has been said before" etc.  

Try to have an open mind, however do be careful not to discount ideas simply because they are "old" - remember that that means that many before you have evaluated these things as being true.  By the same token, don't ignore every "new" idea - many of the older commentaries have biases from their culture above what is merely seen in Scripture, and newer ideas are more likely to take that into account.  Also, keep in mind that you have your own bias as well - continually pray for an open heart and mind, and for wisdom and discernment in your study!

We are not proponents of any practice which leads to the inevitable conclusion that God must think the same way you do, such as "reading into" Scripture the feelings and thoughts that you already have about a topic.  Some of that is going to happen due to your natural biases, but try to guard against it.  We are here to learn as seekers of Truth, even if we dislike what that Truth may be.

After commentaries, you may want to search for articles from theological journals or magazines, blog posts from persons who have studied the topic (be careful to get varying viewpoints so as not to fall into a feedback loop of your own opinion), and even sometimes dig into the Greek/Hebrew texts to find exact meanings of words that seem vital to understanding.  Or you may be ready to move on.  Remember, although learning is a vital part of the process, this is a church service, not a seminary class.  The goal of this section is to find out what God is saying to you, and find as many avenues that He can speak in as possible.  Ideally, you'll come out of this section with a clear idea of what God is saying to you today - whether this is a call to action by itself, a simple "pay attention" to a problem around you or in you, or a message of God's hope and love (for you or another).

One more note and then we'll also move on:  don't expect to answer every question.  God is Other.  He is not you; He is beyond your understanding.  He reveals Himself to us, but on Earth you will never fully understand God, just as your adoring pet can love you but never fully understand why you insist upon vet appointments.  Our task is not to fully understand (though we can try!), but to Love, as we are Loved.  Leave room in your heart for the mysteries of God.


There's a point at which study can do no more good, and when you have either satisfied your soul or reached that point, it is time to stop and listen.

You will probably have a lot of notes in your Mining section, but precious little in Gems at this point.  Before you go over these, close your eyes and just breathe for a few minutes.  Continue to remind yourself that you are in the presence of God - something that can disappear from your consciousness during times of intense study, but also be intensified as you discover what God is saying.  You may want to repeat a simple verse for a moment, or just silently acknowledge God in whatever way is most worshipful to you.

Listen.  You may be from a background that believes that God no longer speaks directly to His followers.  That's fine - consider this a time of meditation (or simply silent prayer if meditation has bad connotations for you) designed to determine what God is saying indirectly through His Word.  Remember that if you consider prayer to be a conversation, you must at times be silent and listen to what the Person you're speaking to has to say.  This is that time.

If you are from a more mystical Christian background, this listening may come more naturally to you.  However, we encourage you to be sure that you are in fact listening for God's voice, and not just determining your own feelings about a subject.  

The Bible urges us to have discernment in this, so be wise - God will never command evil, for an (obvious, we hope) example.  You may be commanded to take a risk, but you will do well to recall Jesus' conversations with Satan in the desert, and how he was tempted to do things that were selfish, testing God, or even causing harm to himself (or others).  (If the idea of a devilish temptation during this listening time is something you don't think currently happens, consider that the above categories can certainly come from our own inclinations as well.)

But take heart.  If you are sincerely trusting in God and desiring to do His will, He will not lead you astray.  The Bible says He will make your paths straight - though they may not lead where you expect.  And if you feel unsure about anything that you hear, write it down in Gems, to discuss later, and continue to pray for assurance and guidance (and remain open to them).

Listen.  You may feel led to review something you read, and write that in your Gems section.  Or you may draw a conclusion to write there, or a call to action, or a note of hope.  It may be that you are given the exact words that you need to come away from this service with.  Or, you may instead have a vague feeling - a burden for a people group or specific person, or a sense of unease about something.  Your goal is to come away from this time with at least one call to action, but that may not always happen - sometimes it's just a message you needed to hear, or a thought to chew over during the week, something to sustain you, or someone who remains on your mind.

When you are done listening, if you have a burden for a person/group/situation, by all means stop and pray about it right now, before continuing further.  Finish your time by thanking God for speaking with you - how wonderful to worship God who hears and answers prayer!  Then write in your Gems section what you've heard.


We've now come to the end of our time alone with God, but not the end of our service.  Your next, and possibly most important task, is to discuss your Gems with at least one person you love.

Ideally, you'd get up, stretch, clean up your area where you've been sitting, go get a cup of coffee or tea, and head into a main room where one or two people you love are there, eager to discuss with you what you all have heard today, perhaps over lunch.  But since life is rarely ideal, let's discuss some options for this important meeting.

First, we realize that trying to find even one person to discuss what God has been saying may be difficult, so we'll talk about only one here - but by all means feel free to meet with more than one, even more than one at a time if you're comfortable.  Just don't do a full size "Bible Study Group" or you'll end up in the same situation many small groups find themselves in, where everyone shares both too little and too much.

What sort of person should you ask?  Try to find someone who has been a follower of Jesus longer than you, and whom you love - if possible, the person who brought you to Christ is the best place to start.  It should be someone whom you enjoy getting together with to talk anyway, or perhaps someone whom you've been trying to find time to hang out with - this can be a helpful reason to get together.  We recommend sticking with the same gender as it's often easier to discuss potentially awkward topics.  It needs to be someone you trust, who will not betray confidences nor mock any dreams you may share.  You're going to be talking to this person about things you've possibly only discussed with God - that can be a very vulnerable process, so be sure this is someone with whom you feel safe.  Your spouse is an option if you're married, but look at others first - chances are good that you already talk with your spouse a good deal, and one of the goals here is to try and widen the circle of people you can talk to about what God is doing in your life.

The person you choose may be someone also doing Introvert Church, or not.  You may want to exchange your Gems or only get feedback on your own.  Just make sure you both are agreed as to what you're doing if you expect them to come prepared.  If you're just wanting to talk to them about what God is saying, you may not have to do any more prep than checking to see if they're free.
Don't feel like you always have to discuss with the same person, or only one person.  In fact, we recommend that you switch from time to time, in order to get other perspectives.  But don't stop discussing God with someone just because you didn't meet with them as usual that week.  A follower of Jesus, even and perhaps especially an introvert, should try to grow a circle of trusted brothers and sisters in Christ, that they walk through life with.  This is the true meaning of church, after all.

We recommend a person who has been following Jesus longer than you to start with (a mentor), but you do not need to stop there.  Other people you may want to speak with include those that have been following about the same time as you (a peer) and even those that have been following a shorter time than you (a disciple).  Expect those conversations to be different - a mentor may help you with discernment and give you advice, a peer may encourage you and support you, and a disciple may question you and strengthen your faith as you teach them.  If you meet with a mentor, expect to spend most of the time talking through your Gems; with a peer plan an equal amount for both of you; and with a disciple you'll likely spend most of the time talking through their Gems.  All of these relationships are helpful in following Jesus and learning to love Him and each other more.

What do you do if you no one you love is a follower of Jesus?  Here you have two options, both of which you should do from time to time even if you do have other people to meet with.  First, try meeting with a follower of Jesus that you know but do not yet love and trust.  Getting to know fellow Christians is vital for your own Christian growth.  You cannot love people, as Jesus commanded, if you don't know any of them well.  

Second, start trying to discuss what God is doing with someone you love who is not a follower of Jesus.  This should probably not take the form of a formal session - in fact, you may find that all you can do is say a sentence or two in passing at first.  However, as you continue to live your life following Jesus, loving God and loving people, and keep attempting to talk to the person you love about what is happening to you, you may find God is speaking to their heart as well, and soon, they may become a follower themselves, and change the relationship between you to one of discipleship.  This is such an important part of following Jesus that we recommend always doing this, even for a few minutes a week, along with any other discussions you are having with others.

One more note - this may be an hour or two conversation with some people, but don't assume it must always be that way.  Calling a friend to tell them the encouragement you heard that morning may be all you need to do some days.  And many weeks you may not be able to meet your intended partner for a few days.  But we do encourage face to face conversations whenever possible - the sense of human connection is important, and the structure of meeting formally, especially over a meal or coffee, may be helpful for anyone who finds it difficult to socialize.

Do Something

Whether you've now had a good conversation with a friend, or have setup a time to talk later in the week, now is the time to do something with what you have heard.

Be careful not to skip this section.  The Bible warns about hearers of the Word only, who are not doers.  You most likely have some kind of call to action that you've found today.  Now is the time to do something about it!

If there is any part of your call to action that you can do now, do it now.  This may include spending time in prayer, donating to a cause, calling someone to encourage them, or writing a note and putting it in the mailbox right away.  But it's very likely that you have some more long term things to do as well.  Don't let these disappear into the ether - figure out what the next step is and schedule it now.
Put your next step on your calendar for this week (remember, only if it's something you can't do right now).  Don't use a calendar?  Set a reminder on your phone.  Stick a post-it to your bathroom mirror.  Do something to make sure that you will do the next step at the time you have scheduled for it.
It may be that your next step is a little nebulous - "be nice to such and such a person", etc.  If that's the case, put a reminder somewhere where you can look at it all week...but then try to think of a concrete thing you can do towards that larger goal (ie, bring them a cookie tomorrow at work) even if it's very small (smile at them tomorrow!).  Taking a step is the important thing - you don't know what God will do with a small demonstration of willingness to be used for good.

Now is also a good time to check in with the thing you decided to do last week.  Did you do it?  You may want to write down what happened when you did, and if the project isn't complete, figure out the next step.  Don't give up on last week just because you've heard a new thing this week!  If you didn't do your task last week, can you do it right now?  If not, schedule that as well.  (If you find yourself with a backlog of tasks, this is a good time to talk to God about this "road of good intentions", ask forgiveness and determine what to do this week, realistically.)

It may be that what you're hearing this week is very similar to what you heard last week.  Great - you're likely being sent down a path.  Keep going, don't give up and figure out your next step(s) this week.  Or maybe your task seems to be putting you on a path totally opposite of where you thought you were headed.  Remember that only God knows His full plan, and just because you are put on a road is no guarantee that you will reach the seemingly obvious destination.  Do, and trust God to correct you if you are honestly seeking His will.

One more note - although you may sometimes be asked to do something on a large scale all at once, more than likely you'll be put on a long path, or several long paths.  God has His own timing for things, and failure in your eyes most likely looks different from failure in His.  Even if what you need to do this week is very small, be sure to do it, with joy in being asked.  Be faithful in small things.  Also, you do not know what the outcome will be, and it won't always be what you expect - don't assume a task has failed because the result wasn't what you expected.  Your job is not to judge the outcome, yours is simply to obey God regardless.


You've reached the end of your service, but most likely not the end of your day.  We strongly recommend that you follow God's example, and spend it in rest.

Many of you may find the idea of a traditional Sabbath old-fashioned and restrictive at best, and even against the teachings of Jesus at worst.  However, lack of true rest, even from a secular perspective, is a plague on the modern person.  Lack of sleep increases rates of disease.  Working too much or even over scheduling "play" burns people out, and introverts especially so.  Jesus did indeed defend his disciples picking grain on the Sabbath to eat as they were passing by, and he also defended healing, and working in an emergency situation on the Sabbath (rescuing a sheep, for example).  He even seemed to see no problem with doing small tasks like carrying around a mat (that the man had been paralysed on before Jesus healed him).  However, he never said to ignore that Sabbath completely, or to take no rest at all.  In fact, he specifically says that "Sabbath was made for man, not man for Sabbath" - meaning that Sabbath isn't a set of rules, but a gift for mankind!

Take advantage of God's gift to humanity - take a rest today.  Don't work, whatever that means to you.  What should you do instead?  Spending time with God is always good of course, but you've likely spent much of the day already doing that.  After loving God, the next greatest commandment is to love people, so spending time with people would be a good thing to do in your time of rest - your family or good friends, although again you may have already done enough of that in your service already.
So what do you do?  Rest!  Take care of yourself.  Take a nap if you are tired.  Eat a good meal if you are hungry.  Do a little exercise if you feel the need to move around.  Read a book.  Play a board game.  Write in a journal.  "Work" on a fun, creative project that you've been meaning to get around to doing.  Do a craft or something for a hobby of yours.  Play music or sing.  Play a video game or watch TV if you must, but we would advise you to limit your screen time today, or you may end up feeling more tired than refreshed by the end of it, and wondering where the day has gone.  But don't feel guilty if staring at a screen is all you want to do right now - do whatever will help you to recover from your hard work of church service, and help you be refreshed and ready for the week to come.

You're Finished!

Congratulations on completing your service!  Hopefully you have learned some about what works best for you in this process, and are looking forward to next week.  Know that we are praying for you to know God more, love Him more, and love people more as well.